Monday, August 1, 2011

Can IT!!!

Boy O'Boy... does this summer heat get me parched! :O I could surely go for a nice cold can of Coke!

Wait a second... why did the top twist right off this perfectly crafted can of soda pop?! ... silly me, I completely had mistaken my STASH CAN as that of an actual Coke! :D Thats right... a Stash Can to tuck away all your "tobacco goodies" or whatever else your addiction may be?! ... and looky there, inside to my surprise, my key chain sneak-a-toke! Its perfect for the gal or guy on the go in need of a quick pick-me-up! They come in an assortment of colors; Purple, Blue, Green, Orange, Silver & Red! ... & if Coke doesnt tickle your fancy... perhaps Sprite, Diet Coke, Dr. Pepper, Red Bull or Monster Stash Cans will do the trick for you!

From $8.50 - $11.50 per Stash Can, you can pull the wool over Mama's eyes... just make sure shes not looking directly into your blood shot ones! ;)  $3 will get you the key chain pipe... & who knows where that'll take you once put to use?! Maybe over the rainbow?! 

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