Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Come Along, Y'all!!!

Greetings y'all!!! =D

It seems as if only yesterday we began our blog here at PopKiller (LAB!) We've had quite a bit of groovy updates throughout the year for y'all, introducing new products & merchandise we found appealing to you folks. In order to better suit everyone's needs... we've decided to join all 4 PopKiller location's blogs into ONE NEAT-O BURRITO BLOG!!!
"Oh Happy Day!!!"

Now you can get a feel of what's goin on in both LA & The OC stores in one easy - peasy stop! Check out which celeb spottings we encountered, what gems we just got in for y'all or what we've had that you just gotta add to your ever growing collection! Be sure to stay tuned... as this'll be the last posting as a solo store from us.

Happy trails & catch y'all om the other side, 
PopKiller LAB!!!


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